Păstorul cel bun: Isus
,, Eu sunt Păstorul cel bun. Păstorul cel bun îşi dă viaţa pentru oi."
Ioan 10:11
Ioan 10:11 este un verset pe cât de profund, pe atât de fascinant şi captivant. Isus a folosit pilde pentru a-L cunoaşte pe El-Jertfa supremă a dragostei şi pentru a cunoaşte împărăţia Lui: Ierusalimul ceresc. Isus este Păstorul cel bun, iar creştinii sunt oile din turma Sa. Această asociere este reprezentativă, întrucât portretizează atât identitatea Lui, cât şi a creştinilor. De ce Isus este Păstorul cel bun? Deoarece El s-a întrupat pentru a salva omenirea. Plinătatea dumnezeirii, Fiul Lui Dumnezeu a coborât din slavă pentru a sluji creaţiei, de a-Şi da viaţa pentru ea! Asemenea păstorului care îşi părăseşte confortul casei pentru a-şi duce oile la păşune pentru o perioadă, Isus-Împăratul veşniciei-Şi-a dat jos coroana, a devenit sărac pentru ca noi să ne îmbogăţim, să putem gusta din slava Tătălui. Astfel, El a coborât de pe tron pentru a ne sluji, pentru a cerceta oile părăsite, bolnave, hoinare.
Pe de altă parte, asocierea creştinilor cu oile pare întrucâtva haioasă. Însă, meditând asupra acesteia,

The Good Shepherd:
''I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd gives His life for the sheep.''
John 10:11
John 10:11 is a profound, fascinating and captivating verse in equal measure. Jesus used parables in order to understand Him-The Supreme Sacrifice of Love and His Kingdom: The Heavenly Jerusalem. Jesus is The Good Shepherd and Christians are the sheep from His flock. This association is representative because it portrays both His and Christian's identity. Why Jesus is The Good Shepherd? Because He took human form to save the humanity. The heavenly fullness, The Son of God descended from glory to serve the creation, to give His life for it! Like the ordinary shepherd, who leaves the comfort of his house in order to lead his sheep to pastures for a period, Jesus-The King of Eternity-took off His crown, became poor to enrich us and to let us taste the glory of The Father. In this manner, He descended from the throne with the purpose of serving us, to pursue the abandoned, afflicted and wandering sheep.
On the other hand, the comparison Christians-sheep is somehow funny. But, meditating on this, it can be remarked that people are significantly influenced, defenseless and naive like sheep. In other words, people let different opinions, people and circumstances, etc to guide them, instead of focusing on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of their faith, The Flawless Lamb, who suffered the most painful death-the cross. By The Shepherd's wounds we are forgiven, healed, restored and given everlasting life! What Jesus did on earth? He gathered, healed, taught and took care of people, loving them unconditionally and forever. So, He still loves us, His love is incommensurable! Today He still calls His sheep to lead them to green pastures with crystalline waters that reflects the kindness, faithfulness and righteousness of The Father. How do we get in His invincible flock? Through Jesus. He is The Gate, The Way. He is waiting for us to step full of confidence in His divine and loving arcade. Beeh heeeh heeh, here we are!