Grăuntele veşniciei
,, Adevărat, adevărat , vă spun că, dacă grăuntele de grâu , care a căzut pe pământ, nu moare, rămâne singur; dar dacă moare, aduce multă roadă."Ioan 12:24
Grăuntele de grâu aduce roadă doar atunci când moare în pământul pe care a căzut...Isus Hristos, Fiul Lui Dumnezeu, a murit pentru noi, pentru păcatele noastre, strămutându-ne astfel în Împărăţia Lui ! Rodul sufletului Său sunt credincioşii, copii ai Lui Dumnezeu. Isus, în dragostea Sa, a plantat în inima fiecărui credincios grăuntele veşniciei. Astfel, El îi povăţuieşte să-I urmeze exemplul, să moară faţă de firea pământească şi să fie copii ai luminii. De altfel, fiii Lui trebuie să fie mădulare ale neprihănirii, asemenea unor vase goale, umplute de Duhul Sfânt. Doar astfel grăuntele sădit poate aduce roadă: mai întâi tulpina, apoi spicul şi, în cele din urmă, boabele binecuvântate ce vor fi culese de Isus în Împărăţia Sa !
,, Grăuntele acesta, în adevăr, este cea mai mică dintre toate seminţele; dar după ce a crescut este mai mare decât zarzavaturile şi se face un copac, aşa că păsările cerului vin şi îşi fac cuiburi în ramurile lui. "
Matei 13:32

Heavenly grain
" Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit".
John 12:24
The grain of wheat produces many seeds if it dies into the ground... Jesus, the Son of God, died for us, for our sins, in this manner delivering us from the domain of darkness and tranferring us to the kingdom of God ! Christians, God's children, are the harvest of His soul. Jesus, in His love, planted the heavenly grain in each heart of His followers. In this way He guides them, step by step, to follow His example. He wants them to live according to the Spirit, not according to the flesh, to become children of light. Besides, His children must be instruments for righteousness, empty vessels where The Holy Spirit can be poured into. Only by this, the planted grain can bear much fruit: first, the stem, after, the ears, and finally the blessed beans which will be harvest by Jesus Himself in His kingdom !
"It is the smallest of all seeds, but when it has grown it is larger than all the garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches."
John 12:24
The grain of wheat produces many seeds if it dies into the ground... Jesus, the Son of God, died for us, for our sins, in this manner delivering us from the domain of darkness and tranferring us to the kingdom of God ! Christians, God's children, are the harvest of His soul. Jesus, in His love, planted the heavenly grain in each heart of His followers. In this way He guides them, step by step, to follow His example. He wants them to live according to the Spirit, not according to the flesh, to become children of light. Besides, His children must be instruments for righteousness, empty vessels where The Holy Spirit can be poured into. Only by this, the planted grain can bear much fruit: first, the stem, after, the ears, and finally the blessed beans which will be harvest by Jesus Himself in His kingdom !
"It is the smallest of all seeds, but when it has grown it is larger than all the garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches."
Matthew 13:32
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